Wednesday, 15 August 2012

The real-life hills of the Windows XP Wallpaper....

While many people think the Windows image is a digital creation, it was 

actually snapped in California’s Sonoma Valley.

Photographer Chuck O’Rear took it as he drove along Highway 121. And he 

must be glad he did, he received one of the largest amounts ever paid 

to a living, working photographer.

It is predicted the image has been seen by and enjoyed by billions of 

people -- even some Mac users.

Treatment of asthma = ASTHMA...


A= Adrenergics

S= Steroids

T= Theophyllines (althouigh not used as much now though)

H= Hydration

M= Mask

A= Antibiotics if necessary.

Share this info with your frnzz and family.......

Facts about sense of Smell...

People recall smells with a 65% accuracy after a year, while the visual 

recall of photos sinks to about 50% after only three months. 

It is important to understand that throughout every day and night of 

our lives we smell a wide variety of odors without being aware of them 

at all.

Your sense of smell is least acute in the morning; our ability to 

perceive odors increases as the day wears on. 

Your nose can smell directionally, telling you where an odor 


A larger portion of the brains of animals and fish are devoted to the 

sense of smell than that of humans. 

Our sense of taste is greatly influenced by our sense of smell. 

The average human being is able to recognize approximately 10,000 

different odors.

No two people smell the same odor the same way. In other words, a rose 

may smell sweeter to some people than to others. 

Everyone has his or her own unique odor-identity or “smell fingerprint. 

The sense of smell plays a vital role in our sense of well-being and 

quality of life.

4 Healthy Foods for Instant Energy........!

1-  FISH
Research shows a link between memory, test-taking skills and, gulp,

eating fish for breakfast. While that's not typically pleasing to

little palates, the benefits are huge. The omega 3 fatty acids found in

fatty fish like wild salmon have been proven to reduce depression and

hyperactivity and increase focus and concentration. In addition, all

that high quality protein keeps kids' blood sugar (and therefore their

moods) steady while keeping them full for hours.

Many kids are surprisingly potassium deficient-a problem that can

manifest in a variety of ways, including lethargy and memory problems.

This necessary nutrient, which is also found in dried apricots, figs,

and plums, helps regulate the body's nervous and muscular systems.

Grains have been getting a bad rap lately, but whole grains are still

one of the best sources of energy we have-especially for little bodies

that are still growing. The fiber and carbohydrates in oatmeal provide

a long-lasting, consistent source of energy that can be dressed up in a

million different ways.

It doesn't come with any slick advertisements or cutesy cartoon

characters to sell it, but plain old H2O is one of the quickest energy

boosters out there. When kids become dehydrated, their energy plummets

and their brain gets foggy, which makes it hard to concentrate.


According to who

1) NO breakfast
2) OVER eating
3) Smoking
4) High Sugar Consumption
5) Air pollution
6) Sleep deprivation
7) Head covered while sleeping
8) Working your brain during working
9) Lack in stimulating thoughts
10) Talking rarely..

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Power of the Future,,,

Antimatter is the Bizarro twin of matter , made up of antiparticles 

that have the same mass as ordinary matter but with opposite atomic 

properties known as spin and charge. When the opposed particles meet, 

they annihilate each other and release tremendous amounts of energy as 

dictated by Einstein’s famous equation, E=mc2. 

Antimatter is already in use in a medical imaging technique known as 

positron emission tomography (PET), but its use as a potential fuel 

source remains in the realm of science fiction. 

The problem with antimatter is that there is very little of it in the 

universe. It can be produced in laboratories, but currently only in 

very tiny amounts, and at prohibitively high costs. And even if the 

problem of production could be solved, there is still the knotty 

question of how to store something that has a tendency to annihilate 

itself on contact with ordinary matter, and also how to harness that 

energy once created. 

NASA funds research into creating antimatter drives that could one day 

take humanity to the stars, but dreams of antimatter-powered starships 

as seen on Star Trek are still a long way off, all experts agree.,,,

Take Care Of Your Eyes While Using PC.....,,,

Step 1 :-

After every 20 minutes of looking into the computer screen, turn your 

head and try to look at any object placed at least 20 feet away. This 

changes the focal length of your eyes, a must-do for the tired eyes.

Step 2 :-

Try and blink your eyes for 20 times in succession, to moisten them.

Step 3 :-

Time permitting of course, one should walk 20 paces after every 20 

minutes of sitting in one particular posture. Helps blood circulation 

for the entire body.

Circulate among your friends if you care for them and their eyes. They 

say that your eyes r mirror of your soul, so do take care of them, they 

are priceless...............

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