Sunday 15 December 2013

What Is Memorandum ?

Definition of Memorandum..

ØMemorandum means “something to be remembered”
ØMemo is a brief, in-house communication sent up and down the corporate ladder
ØMemo is  …  more formal than e-mails                             
                     …  less formal than business letters.
ØOriginally used only in hard copy, memo is now often processed electronically.
ØMemos vary in length.
ØMemo generally deals with only one subject. For two unrelated subjects, write two different memos.
Purposes of Memo
To inquire
žTo announce
žTo report
žTo remind
žTo instruct
žTo promote goodwill
Context of Memo
Memos vary in length, formality, frequency, complexity as per context…
ØLearn your organization’s memo policy
ØAnalyze the attitudes/expectations of your addressees -  Consider primary,
secondary, tertiary addressees      -  Choose direct or indirect method.
ØKnow the medium of sending memo
ØKnow the position/designation of your addressees
 The Identification Block
Typically, words in the identification block  are keyed in
ALL CAPS, bold, followed by a colon, and double spaced :
Kinds of Memos
qInformative Memos
qPersuasive Memos 
qNegative Memos  

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